Potato has a unique composition that has a beneficial effect on the human body. The most important thing about this product is that it offers a very nutritionally favorable ratio of nutrients to price than many other vegetables. Therefore, it is an important food product throughout the world.
Potatoes are rich in vitamins: vitamins B, B2, B6, C, PP, D, E, carotene, folic acid, organic acids, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron. Also, potatoes are the leader in potassium content: more than 550 mg per 100 g of product. Potassium promotes the removal of salts from the body, and therefore eliminates swelling and is important for blood vessels and the heart. It is for this reason that doctors usually recommend baked potatoes for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal (colitis, gastritis, ulcers) and cardiovascular (atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure) diseases. Potatoes help lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and due to pectin, intestinal activity improves. In addition, potatoes are hypoallergenic.
The starch in potatoes is excellent for healing burns. If the burn is received from the sun, then you need to grate the potatoes and distribute the mass over the affected areas. If the burn is of thermal origin, you just need to cut the raw potato into two parts and attach it to the sore spot. Helps guaranteed!
29 January 2022, 21:30