Tutu Zeynalova, a participant of many scientific conferences, one of the number one nutritionists in Azerbaijan and host of the "CanGüden" program broadcast on Khazar TV, gave an interview to Heath News.
According to our interviewee, who has won the trust and sympathy of people for her successful results in her field, the greatest success of a doctor is his education and recovery of patients:
"I work on myself regularly and participate in many seminars and conferences throughout the year. I try to develop myself more and more. I am the first dietitian in Azerbaijan to speak at ESPEN (European Association of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism). Let me note that it was held in the Netherlands in 2017. Then there was an international conference in Kazakhstan, Turkey and Azerbaijan. After gastric bypass surgery, I spoke as a speaker on the nutrition of patients."
- What other firsts did you sign?
"I am the first dietitian in Azerbaijan to study patient nutrition after bariatric surgery."
- How is the development of nutrition in our country? At what level?
"It has developed a lot compared to years ago. Well-educated doctors work on themselves. What is worrying is that many people who are not doctors and have no medical education are engaged in dietetics. Somewhere, they take recipes from someone or the Internet and sell them to other people. After the problems that arise, we are applied to and then we face these problems. It should not be forgotten that dietetics is a medical science and the person engaged in this work must have a medical education. In general, as I said, there are many people working on themselves. Compared to years ago, it can be assessed positively."
- What are your future plans?
"I am currently working on a book. My television project continues. As a part of this project, we have worked on the rubric "Secrets of Tutu", which we are already publishing. My future plans are to participate in scientific meetings again, to develop myself more. So far, my plans are in this direction."
- How did you feel about the Global Health Awards project?
"It is an admirable and welcome project. This project stimulates the work and development of doctors and large medical institutions. Being a participant in such a project means success. This inevitably forces us to work on ourselves and be on the list of the best. In short, it is motivation and moral support. It is an incentive to work on ourselves in the coming years."
07 February 2022, 13:36